On Monday, January 6, the Supreme Court transferred petitions filed by sellers against Amazon and Flipkart, alleging anti-competitive practices, to a single bench of the Karnataka High Court. According to reports, the Supreme Court consolidated all pending petitions on this matter and directed that these cases will now be heard together by the Dharwad bench of the Karnataka High Court.
The petitions, filed by various sellers, accused the e-commerce giants of violating competition laws and engaging in unfair practices that harmed smaller businesses. These complaints had earlier been reviewed by the Competition Commission of India (CCI), which had initiated investigations into the alleged anti-competitive behavior. However, the legal battle intensified when the companies challenged the proceedings in multiple courts across India.
The Supreme Court's decision to transfer the cases aims to streamline the judicial process, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the hearings. The Dharwad bench of the Karnataka High Court will now handle all related matters, providing a unified platform for addressing these critical issues.
This move is seen as a step towards expediting the resolution of disputes involving major players in India’s booming e-commerce sector. It underscores the judiciary's commitment to fair trade practices and its focus on creating a level playing field for all market participants.
The Supreme Court emphasized that the consolidation of these cases would facilitate a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to addressing the sellers' grievances. The Karnataka High Court's decision in these matters will likely have far-reaching implications for India’s e-commerce regulations and the operations of global giants like Amazon and Flipkart.
On Monday, on January 6, the Supreme Court transferred the petitions filed by the sellers against Amazon and Flipkart to a single bench of the High Court. In this the Supreme Court has integrated all the long petitions on this matter.