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E-Mamta Card: eMamta Mother and Child Tracking System

31 March, 20238 min read

E-Mamta Card: E-Mamta project of Gujarat govt to mother and child tracking system, now taken by NRHM (National Rural Health Mission), Government of India for all other states of India.

E-Mamta is a web-based application for tracking pregnant woman and child, which take care of the woman throughout pregnancy.


According to the WHO (World Health Organization) Report Every 5 minutes, at least one Indian woman dies during pregnancy and childbirth.

Today, Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality are important public health challenges.
pregnant mother death -Maternal Mortality MMR of india

when the mother dies children lose their primary caregiver, society is denied of their paid and unpaid labor and the country forgo her contribution to economic and social development. e-Mamta and effort to counter this situation through the power of information for better management of health programs and services.

Tracking of the pregnant mother is essential in providing effective health care services to them. also, children need to be tracked to give them essential medical care.

Hence e-Mamta Project was taken up by the Gujarat Govt. towards the well-being of expecting mothers and children.

Gujarat E-MAMTA Project

Gujarat e-Mamta Project

Gujarat has developed many successful social economic development models, especially during the last decades for the welfare of the people, many of these programs are resilient and adaptable.


e-Mamta Project is a Gujarat initiative for mother and child health tracking, which ultimately helps in the improvement of the human development index, and the goal of seeing well-being in the state.

The E-Mamta Project has started from January 2010.

The e-Mamta, is the information management system shaped by The state rural health mission under the Health Family Welfare Department of Gujarat to improve maternal and child health services with the technical collaboration of the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

E-Mamta: Mother and Child Tracking Application

e-Mamta Mother and Child Tracking Application

The software provides for individ case-based tracking of all pregnant mothers and children for antenatal care and postnatal care of the mother.

An Application covers the entire continuum of services including child immunization, nutrition, and family planning services.

The e-Mamta also analyzed the data and provided feedback to health workers enabling them to render services to all eligible beneficiaries in the respective area.

What is the e-Mamta Project?

Mamta in Gujarati means Kindness, affection, and love. the Mamta means the love of a mother for her child.

It starts from regular check-ups for a woman to provide them with nutrition during their pregnancy, eMamta also provides family planning services.

What is Mamta Card?

A mother and child care booklet designed to provide information to caregivers about care for pregnant, lactating women and 0-3 years of Children. It provides basic information ab Antenatalatal check-ups, newborn care, and postnatal check-ups.

[caption id="attachment_792" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Mamta Card - pregnant mother and Child Health card Credit: E-Mamta Gujarat, source: Unicef IEC[/caption]


earlier the high court made mandatory that pregnant women must obtain a Mamta card to conduct sonography

from, Jan 2016 Gujarat High Court ruled that the Mamta card is not mandatory for pregnant women for treatment or to declare their pregnancy before a public authority.

Mamta Divas

[caption id="attachment_793" align="aligncenter" width="717"]Mamta Divas Credit: E-Mamta Gujarat source:[/caption]

On the 9th Date of every month and every Wednesday consider 'Mamta Divas' for providing information and suggestions regarding the coming hospitals i.e. Public health centers regularly.

Role of e-Mamta System

the system plays a significant role in reducing mortal mortality and child mortality rates work for stages mainly as follows.

1. family health surveys

individual health records around 8.5 million families comprised of 43 million beneficiaries covering 80% population of Gujarat have already entered into the system throw a family health survey.

the data collected is validated through physical verification and cross-verification by district and block officials.

2. registration

all women who are pregnant and have children up to 6 years old are registered and provided a unique mother or childID.

3. work plans to track services

all healthcare services provided to pregnant mothers are tracked through a unique system of works plans, The concept of works plans was used for the first time in public health through e-mama, work plans are handy, full of relevant, accurate, and real-time information for services delivery and tracking the left out.

due to an efficient work plan, the female health worker in the rural area feels more motivated and more enthusiastic about their work.

4. monitoring & evaluation

monitoring & evaluation of the software is done in minimum time. the system produce some report as follows

  • Children immunization records
  • Child growth chart - male
  • Child growth chart - female
  • Monthly reporting format

How e-Mamta system Works?

Step 1: Collection of Data

Data collection by AHSA Health Workerfemale health worker called ASHA ben(Accredited social health activist) travels to the interior village every single day to collect data on the woman, child, and pregnant mother.

Family Health Survey registers of each village are to be entered.

Validation/modification of Family Health Survey data of person's live death & current status
Additional information of BPL no etc & Validate/addition data through other sources like ration card, BPL survey, etc

2. Fill into the E-Mamta System portal

Data entry in E-Mamta portal

Once data is filled out manually, the next step is to enter data into the system through the online portal

The Data Entry will be done only once for the first time, Edited every year after the survey
Generate Family Health Survey Register. (Village wiPre-servicevice list (Work plan) of Beneficiaries to all field workers for a Mamta divas and entire Month Work Plan to be returned after a month along with details of service delivery for A printed E-Mamta card with the beneficiary for recording services taken

System-genera dropout out list for various services to be distributed to field workers for follow-up action

Portal is accessible by Panchayat network called Bharatnet and other Goverment Utilities only.

3. Access of Information Anywhere and Anytime

Access Through eMamta Portal

the online portal can be accessible by anyone from the district health officer to the chief ministry with the simple login ID and password

website is simply functional and is in a reasonable language which is Gujarat.

the website is a ticker function for important announcements to pass on important information and updates to the operator and doctors.

the families and health workers receive SMS reminders from the govt.

the system generates a unique family number for each member of the family to avoid duplication.

Advantages of e-Mamta Project

Major Benefits of the e-Mamta Project

e-Mamta has several distinct advantages as follows


Mamta replaces the old system of sending health data from sub center to state center taking about 25-30 days. after e-Mamta communication are made in rank time.

High Monitoring Value

The system generates multiple reports on public health utility and makes gross root monitoring accurate and timely.

at state level help for the measuring performance of health to given health services. The staff involve e-Mamta program received regular training on different aspect of program

Citizen Centric

the software help in finding beneficiary wherever they located, which increase beneficiary participation is the major objective of the program.

Those who do not come voluntarily for taking the services are targeted through SMS as when a particular service is due to them.

Efficient Stock Management

Now it possible to monitoring of stock through each public health center because an entry once made are become locks and cannot be manipulated. which will Improved supply chain management of vaccines and drugs.

Communication Through SMS and Voice Massages

At the time of registration of pregnant women, ASHA workers asked them to provide contact details such as their mobile numbers for communication.

e-Mamta communication - SMS and Voice Massages

Text messages are sent to the pregnant woman in vernacular language i.e. Gujarati for their due services. same as text messages, govt also started off sending Voice messages regarding their due services and reminders.

SMS sent for the following services:
- Welcome messages at the time of registration of the system
- Reminder SMS, whenever ANC (antenatal care) due for their checkup
- Repeated messages to woman who not visit for checkups, not register their check-up in the system
- similarly customize messages for children such as due for BCG, Penta, OPV, etc.

Around 1.5 crore messages are sent every year in Gujarat from the E-Mamta system.

Tracking through the Search function of software

the migratory mother and children can be tracked through the help of a search function available on 8 parameters as follows:

- Family id
- Health id
- Name
- Ration Card No.
- RSBY (Rashtriya swasthya bima yojana) Card No.
- BPL Card No
- Mobile Number
- ChDatedate of Birth

How e-Mamta system help Health Workers?

e-Mamta System help ASHA Health Workers

On biased of  entry or registration, monthly work plans are generated for the area of that health worker called ASHA Ben The the system generates information as follows:
- Women are pregnant
- woman due for its delivery
- children are due for the immunization

based on customizing the workplace, the health worker can contact that person for the check-up of women and children

e-Mamta connects with other services

e-mamta connect with 108 khilkhilat

once registration of pregnant woman is done, based on data available such as the expected date of delivery of the mother. such entire data of a particular region or area can be sent to 108 services may be considered as a Gujarat govt program called Khilkhilat, so 108 can contact directly to the pregnant woman.

The Mamta program is compatible with programs like Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, Aadhar Unique ID and school health, etc. integrated with child development schactivitiesives.

Mother and Child Tracking System in India

The program under NRHM (The National Rural Health Mission), this program is taken up by the govt. of India for replication in all the states.

Gujarat has provided detailed technical training to most of the state already and programs in various stages of implementation in the different stages.

Future Plans of Gujarat E-Mamta Project

  • Developing Applications for major diseases
  • Complete Health Record
  • Registration of private providers and giving them access to data entry and health records -Maternity homes in the first phase
  • Integration with E-Seva and E-gram to make Immunisation Records and Health Records available on demand