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Information regarding CA course & CA CPT Registration in detail

25 November, 201610 min read

As Chartered Accountant called as 'CA' is one of the most popular courses for commerce student, most of the student is asked and search about ' CA CPT Registration detail, CA Course Details How to become CA after 12th Pass, how many years takes to become a chartered accountant, Guidance, and information about Chartered accountant course'. we provide information in detail.

under this article, we provide details information and complete guidance for chartered accountant course for the student who wants to join CA course and wants to begin their career to become the chartered accountant. we provided information in details.
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CA Course Detail

Chartered Accountant is full form of "CA". the course regulated by 'Institute of Chartered Accountant of India' called as ICAI, New Delhi.
ICAI is the premier professional accountancy body of the country, established in, 1949 under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 enacted by the Parliament to regulate the profession of Chartered Accountancy in India.

Here we basic term use as:
Student: Who join CA course to become Chartered Accountant, the student of CA CPT, IPCC and final.
Member: Who already become Chartered Accountant, called as the member of the institute.

Why only CA Course?

Now as you aware that CA course is the most popular course in India for a student of commerce after passing 12th. He has chartered Accountant who have a knowledge of business, Accounting, Auditing, Law & Taxation, Information technology, Finance and many areas.

Over the years, the Chartered Accountancy profession has achieved rapid growth by providing quality professional services and has come to occupy a prominent role in our economy and society.

On current face need of chartered account in every business and professional, CA can work as an adviser in many fields as said above. starting from an individual to big companies.

hence CA course offers highly professional knowledge and experience to provide service in the best manner. apart from above CA course provides the earning opportunity in India as well as abroad. So there is no doubt that CA course the first priority for a career.

What Chartered Accountant Do?

Many people asked us that 'what is Job of CA ?' or 'What Chartered Accountant Do ?' from not only a student but also in general because variety of services and Dynamism of services provided by CA. some of function are as follows (the terms might be difficult if you are new one! then just forgot it):

  • Every company required to an Audit by Chartered Accountant under companies Act.
  • Audit of any enterprise
  • CA provides professional advice on Taxation related matters and laws related.
  • Business or any enterprise required to do tax audit if its Turnover is exceeded some limit.
  • Financial Adviser, bank and insurance companies required to an audit, trust audit and many types of others.
  • certification of various information that can only perform by a chartered accountant.

however it is not possible to describe all function, there any many fields were CA perform because, in every business, there is some function that performs by Chartered Accountant.

Step by step procedure:

there are possible two routes to join Chartered Accountancy Course As follows.

(1) CA - Common Proficiency Test - trough Entrance exam

  • CPT - Common Proficiency Test
  • IPCC/ IPCE -Integrated Professional Competence Course/ examination
  • Final

(2) Direct Entry Route

  • IPCC/IPCE with Articleship
  • Final

Through CA CPT :

A. CA CPT registration - Common Proficiency Test

CA CPT Registration details
An entrance level exam for joining ca coarse called as CA CPT. Following are the details of CA CPT Registration.

Eligibility for CA CPT:

To become Eligible for CA CPT Registration you have to pass 10th+2 (Registration can be on 10th passed and examination on 12th(says as 10+2) pass)

Note: it noted that to join CA Course is not necessary that you are from commerce field or done your 11th and 12th in commerce. other than commerce including science student can also join CA course. I have seen many people who join CA course after completing 11th & 12th in Science stream.

CA CPT Registration:

Who want to join CA Course, can register after 10th pass but exam for CPT allows only after 10+2(says as 12th) pass. and to understand better 'A person can register forCA CPT after completing Grade 10 and take the exam after completing High School (Grade 12)'.

generally, CA CPT Registration is done by the student, immediately after giving exam of 12th but before it result, to eligible to appear in June examination. otherwise, the student has to wait till December examination. a student register before 60 days before the first day of the month in which exam takes place can eligible for next exam.

Online CA CPT Registration click here

CA CPT Registration Fees:

The General Fees For CA CPT Registration is amount to Rs. 6000 for Indian Nation residence and residence of SAARC Countries, which may increase or revised time to time.

[table caption="CA CPT Registration Fee"width="600" colwidth="400|150" colalign="center|left"]

Details of Fee, Rs.

CPT Registration fee, 6000

Cost of CPT Prospectus (Prospectus will be supplied to the student subsequently), 100

Subscription for Student's Journal (for one year) (Optional but strongly recommended), 200

Subscription for Member's Journal (for one year) (Optional), 400

Total, 6700


Such Registration Fee Include Registration fees and Study Material provided by ICAI, But not include Subscription of Student Journal amount to Rs. 200. If Any student wants this monthly Student Magazine than they have to pay extra Rs. 200. hence Total fees may at 6300 because generally student not subscribe members Journal.

Syllabus of CPT:

Study Materials provided at the time of CPT registration. CPT subject and examination mark pattern as follows:

[table caption="CPT subject and mark pattern"width="600" colwidth="50|200|100|100" colalign="center|left|center|center"]

Section, Subject, Max Marks, Minimum passing marks

A, Fundamentals of Accounting,50, 18

B, Mercantile Laws,40, 12

C, General Economics,50, 15

D, Quantitative Aptitude,50, 15

,Total, 200, 100*


*Although the minimum marks required in each paper are 30%, the minimum marks required in aggregate is 50%. A Candidate is required to satisfy both the above conditions to be declared as passed in CA CPT Exam.

if student fails score 30% marks in any of the paper, he shall be declared as Fail. and also student does not score minimum 50% i.e. 100 marks in the aggregate shall be declared as fail.

The attempt would be an Objective type Exam with MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) 4 options to supplement each question out of which 1 option is correct and 3 options are false. as The Student has to identify the Correct Answer and encircle the same. 1 Mark would be awarded for each correct answer and 0.25 Marks would be deducted for each wrong answer (Negative Marking). Multiple darkened circles for a question will also be regarded as a wrong answer.

CA CPT Examination:

CA CPT Exam is held twice a year in the month of June and December. for example, ICAI has announced that the next Common Proficiency Test Dec 2016 Attempt is scheduled to be held on Sunday, 18th Dec 2016.

CPT Attempt would consist of 4 Papers scheduled to be conducted in 2 Sessions of 2 Papers at the following timings

[table caption="CPT Exam Timing" width="500" colwidth="100|200|200" colalign="center|left|left"]

Particulars,First Session (10:30 AM to 12:30 PM),Second Session (2:00 PM to 4:00 PM)

Subjects,Fundamentals of Accounting,General Economics

~~, Mercantile Laws,Quantitative Aptitude


For December, 2016 Examination details as follows.

All Students who have appeared/cleared Class XII Exams and have registered as a CPT Student with ICAI on or before 1st Oct 2016 and fulfill all the requisite conditions are eligible to appear for Common Proficiency Test (CPT) Dec 2016 Attempt.

Students desirous of appearing for Common Proficiency Test (CPT) scheduled to be held in Dec 2016 are required to obtain the Exam Form from the various branches of ICAI on payment of Rs.1500 (Rs. 500 towards Examination Fee and Rs. 1000 for the cost of the Exam Form).

The CPT Pass percentage is 15% to 25% (approx.) based on last some examination out of all student who appears for CPT.

After passing the CPT Exam, the Students shall apply for CA Intermediate Registration (IPCC/IPCE)which is the next step

B. IPCE/IPCC - Integrated Professional Competence Course

CA Final Registration
This is a second level examination or may be called as an intermediate level of examination for CA course (CA IPCC). Students who are qualified in CPT, graduate/post graduates in commerce with 55%, other graduates or post graduates with 60% can apply.

Candidate should pass both CPT and 10+2 or qualified for direct entry route before registering for Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC).

IPCC Registration :

To Register for Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC). Registration for IPCC should be done 9 months before the first day of the month in which exam is held.

Syllabus of IPCC:

IPCC has total 7 papers(Group 1+Group 2). Group I is composed of four papers and Group 2 is composed of three papers. Passing Group I is necessary for commencing Articleship.

Subject and examination mark pattern as follows

[table caption="IPCC syllabus and mark detail" width="700" colwidth="100|100|250|100/100" colalign="center|left|left|center|center"]

Group, paper, subject, max. mark, Minimum passing marks

Group 1, Paper 1, Accounting, 100, 40

,Paper 2, Company Laws & Other Laws,100,40

,Paper 3, Cost Accounting,100,40

,Paper 4, Direct Tax Laws & Indirect Tax Laws,100,40


Group 2, Paper 5, ,100,40

, Paper 6, Financial Management & Business Economic Environment,100,40

, Paper 7, Information Technology,50,40

,, Strategic Management,50


grand Total,,,700,350*


*To qualify 40% in each subject is required and aggregate of 50% is required. one group is also qualified if it aggregate of 50% and 40% in each subject of that group.

After passing the IPCC Exam, the Students shall eligible for Article ship training of 3 years.

ITT and Orientation 

Complete 100 hours of ITT. Orientation and Information Technology training are to be completed before article ship. These ITT and Orientation can be completed at any time before article ship.

Chartered Accountant Articleship Registration

After passing IPCE Group 1 or both groups student can register for article ship with practicing chartered accountant for a period of 3 years.

GMCS 1- 15 days program called General Management and Communication Skills 1 : required to completed within 1 year of article ship.

GMCS 2. 15 days program called General Management and Communication Skills 2: required to completed before CA membership.

C. CA Final

CA Final Registration

After completion of articleship training of 3 years or serving artcleship of last 6 month and who's IPCC/IPCE both groups are completed can Attend Chartered Accountancy Final examination.

CA Final has total 8 papers(Group 1+Group 2). Group I is composed of four papers and Group 2 also composed of four papers.

Syllabus of CA Final:

Subject and examination mark pattern as follows

[table caption="CA Final syllabus and mark detail" width="700" colwidth="100|100|250|100/100" colalign="center|left|left|center|center"]

Group, paper, subject, max. mark, Minimum passing marks

Group 1, Paper 1, Financial Reporting, 100, 40

,Paper 2, Strategic Financial Management,100,40

,Paper 3, Advanced auditing and professional ethics,100,40

,Paper 4, Corporate Laws and Other Economic Laws,100,40


Group 2, Paper 5, Advanced Management Accounting,100,40

, Paper 6, Information systems control & Audit,100,40

, Paper 7, Direct Tax law,50,40

, Paper 8, Indirect Tax Law,50


grand Total,,,700,400*


*To qualify 40% in each subject is required and aggregate of 50% is required. one group is also qualified if it aggregate of 50% and 40% in each subject of that group.


After passing both groups of CA Final & completing Articleship, GMCS-1 & 2 and Advance ITT candidate can Enroll as a member of ICAI and designate as a Charted Accountant.

Direct Entry Route

Eligibility of Direct Entry Route:

Graduate/post graduates in commerce with 55%, other graduates or post graduates with 60% can also apply under this route. candidate not required to give CA CPT(entrance examination). can start their article ship of 3 and half year and eligible to give exam of IPCC/IPCE.

The candidate has to register 9 months before the exam. After that student has to complete 100 hours of Information Technology Training

All other the criteria and condition are the same as IPCC and CA Final.

Have Any Question regarded To join CA? comment. . .