The Startup India Insight



Kalpasar Project (Yojana) : World’s Largest Lake

The Kalpasar Project (Yojana) – Gujarat under the gulf of Khambhat development project is mainly a water resources project by way of building an Over the Sea dam across the Gulf of Khambhat. this is also called Kalpsar Yojana. The objective of establish a huge freshwater reservoir to meet the demand for drinking, irrigation, and […]

E-Dhara: Gujarat land records online | AnyROR

e-Dhara is a Land Records Management System. This system (eDhara) provides prompt issuance of computerized any RoR across-the-counter online updates of land records. A complete eDhara system consisting of the Issuance of computerized any RoR from the dedicated counter in the Taluka office Receiving mutation application and processing it in online mode was envisaged to […]

AnyROR: Any ROR Gujarat Land records |

Any ROR Anywhere means Any Record of Rights Anywhere. AnyROR is Gujarat online Land Record software for providing services like 8A, 7 12 land records (VF 6, VF 7, VF 8A online). such land record can be accessed (view) from the Gujarat Government online website and can be viewed online land record Map from […]

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