The Startup India Insight



India’s Team Indus Rover ECA for Google Lunar XPRIZE

ISRO Made every Indian proud after all its successful mission. now, it is time for India to be proud of the Private sector space industry expanding toward the future. Team Indus, an Indian aerospace startup and the only Indian team in the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition is building a privately funded Spacecraft capable of […]

India’s IRNSS Navigation system – NAVIC

The Name NAVIC (NAVigation with Indian Constellation) or The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System – IRNSS Navigation system You may not have heard before, but it is true that India has developed its navigation system called NAVIC.[toc] What is Navic – IRNSS navigation system? IRNSS Navigation system in simple layman language is a system that […]

Black Money To White Money with New IDS

The Government of India proposed to announce The New Income declaration Scheme, 2016 also called as revised IDS under the income tax Act. here we provide Information and Practical aspect regarding black money to white money with new IDS, 2016, which proposed after Demonetization of a rupee, banned of 500 and 1000 notes. if you are […]

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