e-Dhara is a Land Records Management System. This system (eDhara) provides prompt issuance of computerized any RoR across-the-counter online updates of land records.
A complete eDhara system consisting of the Issuance of computerized any RoR from the dedicated counter in the Taluka office Receiving mutation application and processing it in online mode was envisaged to be in place immediately.
E-Dhara Project was taken under the Revenue Department of the Government of Gujarat.
Need of E-Dhara System:
Land records are extremely important since land is the primary source of sustenance for a majority of the population. However, the manual system of record keeping has become cumbersome, opaque, susceptible to manipulations, and hard to administer.
Traditionally, Talati maintains this data in a manual register known as Village Form 6. He is the custodian of this data and carries out all changes when authorized by a competent revenue officer (Circle Officer, Dy mamlatdar-Land, Mamlatdar, etc.) who approves for changes in the land records.
Land records are being maintained for various purposes including levy and collection of various taxes and land revenue, which was the principal source of revenue for the states. Cadastral survey was completed in the year 1960 for the entire state.
This survey served as the basis of the land records. Transfer and changeover take place over lands due to Sale, Inheritance, Hier, Distribution, etc. These changeovers are considered as mutations are brought into records by way of updating the land records manually by Talati at the Village.
"The Bombay Land Revenue Code, 1879” is the governing law for land Records in the State. Requisite changes and amendments have been effected in the Code from time to time. This Land Revenue code is uniform across Gujarat
The importance of instant availability of these land records has become significant in this era of development. Record of Rights (RoR) is maintained, and updated and is needed for various purposes such as - obtaining crop loans, hypothecation of land, getting electricity connection, subsidies, etc.
Land records are updated with crop data every season and this information is used for various analysis purposes.
Land records also form the basis for carrying out mutations such as changes in ownership title due to inheritance, sale, acquisition, inheritance, etc.
Vision of e-Dhara
To enable access and maintenance of Village Land Records in an Easy, Transparent and Secure manner.
e-Dhara Kendras(e-DK) have been set up at Taluka Mamlatdar offices to take up day-to-day activities of land records such as mutations and issue of Record of Rights (RoR) After digitizing all land records. Workflow-based software (BhuLekh Soft) has been implemented since 2004-2005.
By Integrating BhuLekh Soft with the e-Gram Vishwa Gram (eGVG) project, which provides broadband connectivity through VSAT to village Panchayats, farmers can get AnyRoR copies from the Village Panchayat itself. While Talati / Village Computer Entrepreneur (VCE) posts the request on the Any RoR portal, Deputy Mamlatdar, (e-DK) would process the RoR and upload it on to the Central server so that the print out is taken at the village.
Since Jan 2006, RoR@Village has been operational in 2279 villages of 166 Talukas and the facility has been expanding with the availability of broadband under eGVG project.
AnyRoR is stand for Any Record of Rights Anywhere. Any RoR is the online Land Record software of Gujarat State. AnyROR is a portal where E-dhara Land records are available anywhere, anytime, and can download 8A and 7 12 Utara from a computer anywhere.
The primary objective of the Computerisation of Land Record Project was to achieve Complete Computerisation of Land Records across the state. Elimination of Manual Records, computer-controlled mutation process and self-sustainability are the leading objectives of the e-Dhara system.
Other objectives of the system include:
Gujarat govt. Web site to view 7 12 Land records online click here
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